The importance of fitting a saddle that suits ourphysical structureperfectly should never be underestimated. It is a fundamental element for riding comfort just like the right clothing or the right bike.
When we want to buy a pair of shoes that are comfortable, we need to know our shoe size first, then we select the uppers and soles based on what we will use them for. In the same way, when we buy a new saddle, we have to choose the most suitable one for us from among the6 size variationsprovided by Selle Italia, before we decide on the other features, such as the type of padding.
But how can we find out which is the right saddle for us? It is at this point that the innovativeidmatch measuringsystem by Selle Italia comes into play to guide our choice.
Using theidmatch Smart Caliper, a kind of sophisticated pelvic gauge with an internal algorithm, we can measure the anthropometric data relating to the distance between the two large ischial tuberosities (known as theintertrochantericdistance) and enter this into a software together with ourthigh diameterand theinclination/rotation of the pelvis. The end result will tell us which is the really perfect saddle for the type of use we want: practically a “made-to-measure” saddle just for us.
To learn more about the idmatch system
The sizes of saddles
Let’s have a look now at the available sizes, their special features and the type of cyclists they are intended for.
Selle Italia, thanks to theidmatch Smart Caliper, currently offers6 variantsdivided into two size types:S1, S2, S3 – L1, L2, L3.
As regards the specific size characteristics,Ssaddles are all quite narrow, i.e. with a sitting point width of131-136 mmwhile theLsaddles gofrom 145 mm up to a maximum of 150 mm.
The number associated with the size(1, 2 or 3)then identifies the existence or absence of thecentral hole (Flow technology): a special anatomical shape that allows you to “discharge” the pressure onto the sitting point, ensuring excellent comfort through greater flexibility in the central part of the saddle.
TheS1 and L1models haveno central holeand are suitable for cyclists without a high pelvic rotation and who therefore do not really need to ease the pressure and friction that are created on the saddle.
S2 or L2 saddleshave amedium size centre cutand are suitable for cyclists withaverage pelvic rotationwho produce pressure and friction while pedalling: elements that in combination can lead to problems and discomfort on a physical level.
The third size –S3 or L3– includes saddles with alarge central hole, recommended for cyclists with ahigh pelvic rotation,who develop high levels of pressure on the surface of the saddle.
The size 3 saddles also include versions withSuperFlow technology, i.e. with aneven wider central holefor cyclists who prefer even greater comfort.
The SuperFlow technology in fact, drastically reduces all the discomfort caused by prolongedpressure on the pelvic area, allowing you to find an optimum and extremely comfortable sitting position at all times.
S1 –“Narrow” intertrochanteric distance and low pelvic rotation
S2 –“Narrow” intertrochanteric distance and average pelvic rotation (Flow saddles)
S3 –“Narrow” intertrochanteric distance and high pelvic rotation (Flow and SuperFlow saddles)
L1 –“Wide” intertrochanteric distance and low pelvic rotation
L2 –“Wide” intertrochanteric distance and average pelvic rotation (Flow saddles)
L3 –“Wide” intertrochanteric distance and high pelvic rotation (Flow and SuperFlow saddles)